Agriculture 1.5

One-quarter of global GHG emissions come from agriculture and food systems. Companies in the sector struggle to manage climate risks and business opportunities, set net-zero GHG targets in line with the Paris Agreement, take collective action and publicly disclose progress. Our Agriculture for 1.5 workstream accelerates the transition of agri-businesses and food companies to achieve a net-zero GHG emissions future in line with our SOS 1.5 project. Our success is based on credible, robust measurement standards and knowledge, and establishing new collaborations across the value chain. 

The Challenge

The lack of knowledge, technology and business cases to measure and manage agricultural GHG emissions from practices such as soil management and livestock farming are barriers to scaling GHG reductions. A particular challenge is the cost of measuring and verifying emissions throughout the value chain at the farm level. Crucially, the incentive structures for farmers and actors across the value chain are not adequately aligned to drive the resources needed to address GHG emissions reductions. All of these prevent net-zero business solutions and commitments at scale.

The Business Case

Agriculture and food businesses have a critical role to play in adapting their business models to include GHG emissions as material factors in their value chains. Changes in business models – including in tracking, measuring and managing GHG emissions – to those that reward farmers and the provision of ecosystem services will strengthen value chain resilience. Investors and consumers are increasingly seeking this information as well, therefore delivering business benefit across the value chain.

The Business Solution

By using the Agriculture 1.5 platform to help set and deliver decarbonization pathways, food and agriculture businesses can learn about and transition to business models aligned with reducing GHG emissions; build business coalitions in their value chains, such as in agri-banking, livestock and fertilizers, to enable the development of frameworks, tools and metrics to reduce emissions; and improve accountability and reporting for emissions through the development of GHG Protocol metrics specific to the food and agriculture sector.

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